We welcome you to join our weekly meetings and to surf on this website. If you do not find it within the webpage, send us an email or drop us a note, we will make sure it appears to meet you on the World Wide Web.
Should you like to ask for a prayer support, please feel free to leave a prayer request, our staff members will lift it up to the Highest Authority possible this side of webpage to intercede for you and your loved-ones! One of our goals in prayer and intercession is to see that you sail on to yonder whatever the situations might have been or will be. That will grant you a safe passage and to keep the faith strong for you and for all of us.
The Precepts of the Biblical teachings may frequently grow or reduce depends upon the traditional view pertinent to the modern time and the atypical practices of the people groups. Nevertheless, the work of Creator in the Creative world has never truly finished, so also is the Creations of many more new things we discovered, and uncovered daily. The vitality of life and the viable style of living will also are the source of regenerations and rejuvenations who cannot forgo when standing in front of the Creator God.
We have elected Micah 5:8, 6:8, Hosea 11: 10 , Genesis 22: , 49:9 and Revelation 5:5 to be the rudimentary biblical verses to support our activities, and operations: while for Psalm 34:10, 58:6, 91:13, Ezekiel 19:12,I chronicles 12:8, Proverbs 19:12, 20:2, 28:1, 30:30, Ecclesiastes 9:4,Ezekiel 1:10, 10:14,Hosea 11:10, Amos 3:8, Nahum 2:12, II Timothy 4:17, Judge 14:6 are for reference positively. The negation is given to non-supportive verses.
We also would like to utilize your financial support to the ministry. Should all of us bring to the table what we are best for and with: All the problems and situations will be dissolved in No time. We are not half-hearted people; therefore, we do not provide halfway services. This in reality is another goal that we have prided ourselves with. Full steams ahead: when going gets tough, the tougher gets going!
Remember there is always a Gate opened for you even before you can reach out to it. However, do reach out. Do all you can to reach out to the gate, the pivotal point of your life! Make it happen, do not wait for it to happen!
We meet weekly, and if necessary, we meet untimely. We are a team. We train as a Team. We do ministry in a Team. The concept of Team Work is the foundation of this ministry and many others.
We also like to provide you with the words that heal instead of killing words. The two-edged sword is sharper than anything on Earth that can hurt others as well as hurting oneself. We must be trained, and constantly in training on how to welding our swords. Likewise, we train ourselves with the Bible. We can also be trained for other skills if we so desire to do.
The best way to get to know your Bible and the biblical accounts of the Saints, Prophets, Law givers, and people who live there is by taking a guided tour. A guided tour saves not only money, but also trouble, and other situations relating to unguided random trips: This is our tenet, and to this rule we abide by. Safety is always first before any and all other excitements or curiosities. Expand your view and your point-of-view will get you to where you have never be able to deliver or be. By being there and done that, you be the one to tell the World what the Lord has done for you.
'Be always prepared' is our 'Wisdom for the Day.' Never get caught when your paints are down. We live in a turbulent time already if you have not yet realized the situations developed all around us. We have tranquility, but the peace of our mind should not keep us from becoming numb and insensitive-agile and sensitive. Whenever something happened to someone else do think that is not a kidding issue. Many people have been taken away by the flood, the earthquake, the hurricanes, the Typhoons, the fire, and the Tsunami tidal waves in the past few years. This is not a natural development and do not take it light heartedly. We are here to serve, but we are also here to remind you on all that you need to know and do to be safe and saved.
We welcome you today because we celebrate you and greet you with honor and laughter. We are glad you can surf on our website. We esteem your presence and wish you all the best and happiness. We want you to enjoy the longevity of your days on the planet Earth as much as you can, and to the full extend as long as you wish.
We will also introduce to you some topics-something less significant and important in order to help you develop your own observation both spiritually and physically. We also like to do research together. One of the promises in the Bible in the Book of Daniel was that by running back and forth we will have our knowledge increased about the words of G-d, and knowing our own time and space. Why do we not do this one and try it out to see how far can we get and how great it is to be prophetic, i.e., ahead of our time, so that we can be Prepared and be Ready Always.
Welcome again. We welcome you because it is our courtesy to serve you so that you can be better equipped to serve your community and to relaying to others to better fit for the tasks ahead. Brain power is good, physical fitness is also required to protect the brain in order to stay powerfully during the natural turbulences.
Welcome! You are welcomed, and we wish you too are a young lion or a young lioness, so that you can lead and assist others to become ready in any and all circumstances life might have in her wiz.
We also welcome you to enjoy our music when we are ready to launch it for your convenience and pleasure. Thank you for take your precious time to visit with us. We wish you all the best. Shalom!
We will have priestly blessing ready for you later, when a Rabbi Cohenim is available from his or her busy schedule. We want it to be Kosher. Thank you.
By the way, if there is additional information you would like to supply to support our little Research/Development group, please feel free to send to us via email or regular U.S.P.S. parcel. Thank you.
Yes, we are looking forward to adopt a TORAH scroll from the antiquity of the Time Capsule after Moshe. Shalom!
We will have the podcast later on once the website become established and utilized in the Internet.
We will if we can to refer you on your requests for housing availability issues to fellow webpages so long as it is on Earth as it is in your trip planner. Thank you for taking a break. Shalom! Please visit our trip scheduler to be provided with all the information relatively important to your First Trip to Israel-Terra Nostra!
We might want to provide you with the lessons on how to blow a shofar: That way you can enjoy the lifestyle of the Israelites in the wilderness. Now-a-day we use 'das Handy' instead.
When the route map is available for those of you whose hearty desire is to ride on the Camel, then we can perhaps making reservations for you specifically for those routes that might be of great encouragement to your sightseeing tour.
Worship during the Shabbat services with local synagogues can also be arranged and scheduled if necessarily done to bring to you a Fuller Theological Seminary blessing along with many other spiritual supports.